"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which we can sow the seeds of learning" Maria Montessori
"Sowing seeds of learning"
Our Logo explained
Marvellous things come from tiny seeds. We only have to look at a beautifully formed flower or a giant kauri tree. They start from tiny seeds that grow into the most amazing plants.
While seedlings rely on their roots to be firmly planted into the soil along with the right conditions to grow, children need the right environment in order to reach their full potential. They need a solid foundation to set them on their journey in life.
There is a deep connection between humans and nature. Early childhood is the time to encourage and nurture children's natural curiosity in their world. Our intention is to encourage in children an interest in the diversity, beauty and joy of natural life and an understanding of the importance of the inter-relationship of living things.
Children are naturally inquisitive and love to explore their surroundings. They have a delightful sense of awe about the world they live in. Providing opportunities for children to understand and learn about the importance of their natural world and how they have a responsibility to take care of it will be part of their day. We have discussions about sustainable practices such as where food scraps go after they have eaten and encourage them to participate in recycling practices. We are committed to helping them develop and grow an understanding around what it means to live sustainably.